Conferences, seminars

IX Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity 2023

The 9th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity will be held in Kraków (Cracow) on September 18-22, this year. The scientific programme of the conference covers a broad range of topics in the classical and quantum theory of relativity. As in the past years, the goal of the conference is to discuss and promote

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Conferences, seminars

“School Of General Relativity, Astrophysics And Cosmology” Warsaw 2023

8.03.2023: School Of General Relativity, Astrophysics And Cosmology At The University Of Warsaw And POTOR We would like to notify you about the first edition of the School of General Relativity, Astrophysics and Cosmology at the University of Warsaw and POTOR. Our school is dedicated to PhD students and postdocs conducting research in general relativity. The summer school

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Conferences, seminars

VIII Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity 2022

10.07.2022: The 8th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity (19-23 September 2022) Conference webpage: The 8th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity will be held at the Banach Center IMPAN in Warsaw. The scientific programme of the conference covers a broad range of topics in the classical and quantum theory of relativity. As in

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Conferences, seminars

Quantum Gravity and More 2022

4.07.2022: Conference “Quantum Gravity and More” (October, 7-8th 2022) dedicated to the scientific achievements of Prof. Jerzy Jurkiewicz. Link to the conference website: “The aim of the conference is to commemorate the scientific achievements of Prof. Jerzy Jurkiewicz, who passed away last year. The focus shall be on quantum gravity, random matrix theory, quantum chromodynamics and

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Passing of Prof. Wojciech Kopczyński

14.04.2022: It is with great sadness that we learned on April 14th, 2022, Wojciech Kopczyński, Professor of the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, member of the New York Academy of Sciences, co-founder and member of the Polish Society on Relativity, has passed away. Wojciech Kopczyński Wojciech Kopczyński graduated from the Faculty of Physics of the University

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Support for Ukraine

We express our support for Ukrainian teachers, scientists and students and for the entire Ukrainian people, who have the right to a democratic, sovereign and independent state and the right to decide their future without outside intervention. [Society Board, 24.02.2022] Wyrażamy nasze poparcie dla ukraińskich nauczycieli, naukowców i studentów oraz dla całego narodu ukraińskiego, który

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Passing of Prof. Jerzy Jurkiewicz

It is with deep sorrow that we learned on November 30, 2021, of the passing of Prof. Jerzy Jurkiewicz, one of the initiators, a founding member and former Vice President of the Polish Society on Relativity. He was 74 years old. Jerzy Jurkiewicz was born on July 22, 1947, in Krakow. In 1970 he received a

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Amaldi Medal for prof. Andrzej Trautman

The Amaldi Medal of the Italian Society of General Relativity and Gravitational Physics for the year 2021 is awarded to Professor Andrzej Trautman for his fundamental contributions to the theory of gravitational waves. The prize, named after the famous physicist Edoardo Amaldi who was one of the fathers of experimental gravitational physics, is awarded every two years

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Conferences, seminars

VII Conference Of The Polish Society On Relativity 2021

1.09.2021: 7th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity The 7th annual conference of the Polish Society on Relativity will be held at the Łódź University of Technology. The conference will be divided into seven sessions. Conference website:

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